Giving Thanks

From my family to you, we send you blessings.   Happy day of giving thanks. May you be surrounded with love, joy, and supportive company today and always.   Native American History is American History, may we always remember all people and cultures. Happy Indigenous People’s Day, and happy day of Giving Thanks.  May we always give […]

On Good Relating…

That picture above was taken on my train ride from Madras up to Chennai, India; the term ‘selfie’ hadn’t come about yet. I just wanted to capture the experience, but truly we can’t, we must allow ourself to live the experience. And this train ride would push me to get comfortable in uncomfortable situations as […]

Time and the Timeless

A book literally jumped out at me this week.  I went to pull one book out, but another one leap out before I could catch it!  These are the words I turned to when I opened the leaping book: “And an astronomer said, Master, what of time?And he answered:You would measure time the measureless and […]

Your Spiritual Heart: Hearing and Trusting

Anahata Chakra: The “unstruck”.  The heart center wheel of life emanates the sound that two things make when they do not strike each other.   I’ve always loved this idea.  For me, the resonance between two things not striking each other is love and peace.  A vibration of unconditional love and unconditional acceptance. These are all […]

Tapas: Spiritual Effort and Self-Discipline

Last week we explored drishti, focus, and where we wish to keep our focus towards within the scope of our life.  We were reminded by Ralph Marston to “choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting, and joyful.”  Read the blog HERE. As we attempt to hold our focus towards the […]