I am… A Yogini‚ Dancer‚ Thai Yoga Bodywork Therapist‚ Life Coach‚ and Dreamer who loves to look out the window of a plane; a Spiritual Activist; an Explorer; a Lover; a Woman; Ohioan; New Yorker; Daughter; Sister; Mother; Wall Fly; Leader; World Traveler; Planner who likes to Improv; Contemplative; Human Being… I am.
My intention in life began to get clear while sitting on my porch‚ at the picnic table‚ in the back yard of our home growing up in Vandalia‚ Ohio. Yup‚ sittin’ on the porch!
So‚ sitting at that table‚ I asked myself‚ “What do I want to do with my life?”. I did not have a clear‚ perfect‚ definite answer‚ BUT‚ I DID know this one thing…
I wanted to help others create happy‚ healthy‚ confident lives! And I wrote it just like that in my journal.
I guide yoga classes, facilitate workshops, and host retreats of various flavors. I continue to have the humbling honor to connect with others thru yoga, Thai massage, coaching, and more, so that we don’t feel like “other”, but rather feel our Oneness.
I have had the honor of studying with amazing teachers in my life, and am always learning. Shawn Ambika, Jeff Migdow, M.D., Priti Robyn Ross, Anodea Judith, Ph.D., Jyothi Watanabe for Thai Yoga, Allison West, and more. I have studied in an ashram in southern India, followed only Thai speaking women learning Royal Thai Technique in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and been in the presence of Amma. I continue to be in retreat with THOT, The Healer of the Heart, founder, Don Oscar Miro-Quesada studying and practicing the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. My heart continues to learn and grow from my own students as well. Everyday there is connection and work from the Divine in the world and within each of us, for we are also that Divinity.
Thank you for joining me here, and please stay in touch! Namaste.