Rituals: bringing us into our wholeness

I was annoyed with myself, and even beginning to feel angry at myself.   I was in my 20s and had been living in New York for a little while. I wanted to travel and nourish my spirit with adventure! I wanted to go solo and create a pilgrimage of meaning.    As a dancer, […]

The value of slowing down in a busy world

Slowing down.    What does this mean? How can we do it? What benefits might come from it?   As I attempt to integrate back into “normal life” after co-facilitating an emotional, yoga, healing-centered retreat this past weekend, I find myself trying hard to hang on to the slower pace that I experienced.   Is […]

Honesdale, PA | Dear Self, Welcome Home SOLD OUT!

Dear Self, Welcome Home: A Healing-centered Yoga Retreat At the Himalayan Institute Honesdale, PA It’s with an ecstatic heart that I’m honored to share that Liz Moyer and I will be offering a weekend-long retreat together. A letter from Self to self… Dear self, Welcome home. I’ve missed you. I know we see each other from time […]

Remember Who You Are

Have you forgotten your significance? In the face of great loss, perhaps you feel you can’t make a difference?  Or, perhaps when faced with fear, you don’t feel as if you are worthy, capable, or brilliant enough? Let me tell you something, YOU ARE ENOUGH. Period. I know that you may have heard this saying […]