This is a beginning and an ending. A moment for you, for each woman, to choose the life you want to create.
To take a fiercely loving look at whatever guilt, shame, or fear holds you caught, frozen. AND to offer every bit within you that you touch and discover, a deep regard and compassion.
Some things will leave, like outdated beliefs; the ending. And some things will stay, like tenderness; cultivate these positive aspects. And other incredible things will enter!
Just ask Bronnie Ware, a palliative nurse in Australia, who transformed her life when she learned that the #1 regret of her patients in their final stages of life was (in their own words)…
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
SISTERS SOIREES is a call to those women who want to embody their inner knowing, live from a place of integrity, create the world they envision, and allow happiness into their lives!
Just as the moon begins to shine through the windows, the shine in your soul begins to be restored.
You will stretch your body, heart, mind, and spirit open; awakening to witness, with kind awareness, the light and the dark within.
Knowing you are not alone and walking in the strength of sisterhood.
Choose yourself now and know you are also choosing for collective healing in this way.
Each one us are born with INNATE WISDOM that bears witness to the truth of who we are – our abilities, potential, sources of strength, the ways in which we self-harm and the path towards healing and resilience.
Each of us have all the answers within, but too often they get drowned in our habitual thoughts and behavior’s.
In this three-part online series, you’ll learn how to access your Innate Wisdom and create the life you envision living.
With seven other like-minded women, you’ll learn effective tools and practices to:
discern intuition from other intrusive thoughts
trust life’s flow and the path unseen
awaken to your own true sources of strength (and discover strength in the community of sisters)
cultivate courage; to speak, to act, to love yourself as much as others
get clarity on how you feel and what you really want
tap into your creative and intuited resources to make transformation long-lasting
finally start living a life that is authentic, alive and awakened through awareness and compassion
Dates: Oct. 18th, Nov. 15th, Dec. 20th
Location: Zoom (online)
Time: 6:30-8:30pm EDT
Price: 349$
High Touch, Intimate Setting: 8 women only (first come first serve)
Also note: I am hosting an in-person ‘Sister Soiree’ on Sunday, November 12th. All women will be welcome, and those from the Sister Soirée online program will get a discount. More details to follow!
What you will receive over these three months together:
-three online soirees
-soirees include mindful movement, meditation, and group coaching
-community of women built on agreements and heart
-pdf’s with supportive guidance and information
-recorded pieces of content for your learning, healing, and personal growth
-journal prompts for all who like to process, just like me!
-personalized actionable steps that support you in experiencing the change(s) you seek
-online connections between the three gatherings through a group-chosen portal