What’s holding you back?

If you haven’t said this to yourself or someone hasn’t said this to you lately, then let me tell you

  • You are good. 
  • You are food.
  • You are powerful.
  • You know what is clear and good for you.
  • You have a unique contribution. 
  • You are worthy of respect and love. 
  • You are worthy of a happy life. 

What, if anything, blocks you from it?

Rumi writes, “ Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

I see where I’ve built barriers. Barriers to life due to: 

  • Fear
  • Self doubt
  • Comparison to impossible, societal made expectations
  • Lack of complete trust in my True Self

Some things take a long time for anyone to finally begin to embody the knowledge of the barriers. And this is where I sit, acknowledging them, recognising them, and finally embodying them! It’s exhilarating! 

One of the biggest examples for me is knowing my worth. Whether it’s how I ask for the energetic exchange of money, or the value of my time. Or, the worth of my energy, focus, and emotions. The worth of my own heart; respect, dignity, integrity. 

“The reality is that nobody is 100% bad. They must have some good qualities if you search hard enough. So, the tendency to see someone as completely negative is due to your own perception based on your own mental projection, rather than the true nature of that individual.”- The 14 Dalai Lama.  

*AND, I have also been applying this to myself. I am not bad. I am a good person. YOU are a good person! 

I feel as if I am finally waking up, but more importantly embodying and taking the actionable steps to live from this place of seeing my worth. 

Growth is not linear and the edge is where I can see what I have built against myself and the world. What prevents and holds me back from experiencing true liberation and the beauty of life. 

I want to experience all of life without the weights of shame, fear, self-doubt, comparison to impossible expectations and made-up societal visions, but most importantly the barrier of not embodying full trust in my true self. 

Jack Kornfield writes, “True compassion arises from a healthy sense of self, from an awareness of who we are that honours our own capacities and fears, our own feelings and integrity, along with those of others.”

And in the season of my life, I couldn’t agree more! 

Arnaud Desjardins states so beautifully, “There is nothing clever about not being happy.” 

So with this wolf full moon, whose symbolism is the invitation for us to ‘recall lessons of autonomy, communion, and actualisation’ (NY Post), I am ready! 

Let us each howl our true hearts into the night sky! Let us remember ourselves within the ‘pack’ of humanity! Let us embrace and celebrate everything that we are and hold nothing back!

Now, go back to the top of this blog, and say those affirmations out loud! Use the “I” statement instead of ‘you’. 


Yours in solidarity for growth and self-realization,


Breathe and Believe.