Starting My Own Classes Online/Wolf Full Moon

Today is the Wolf Full Moon. I did not find it surprising, but rather magically supported by Source that this full moon was happening when I had created an intention around “walking together” for my classes this week.The Wolf Full moon supports us in ‘finding our packs’ and ‘reinforcing social bonds’.Thank you for being part […]


Below is the blog I had created before Wednesday, January 6th, the day the capitol was stormed here in the U.S.. After that day, the intention softened from one of uncertainty moving us towards making great change and saying “yes” to getting active in life; into one that was more gentler, softer, a practice of […]

Precious Human Birth

precious human birth

In this first week of the new year of 2,021, I truly fell in love with this offering from Mark Nepo out of his book, “The Book of Awakening”. It brought me to tears a few times. When he says, “in this time, in this place”, I was taken aback. To practice this level of […]