The Magic of Retreats: What I Continue to Be Shown About Them

Magic of retreats

The way that Amy and I run retreats is truly like no other out there. I’m not bragging, but drawing from my experience from this past weekend’s “Savor Simplicity Retreat”. It was incredibly transformational for myself and all present. {Next year July dates are in the books, reach out to me!} You see, both Amy and […]

Embodying Self-Compassion; an In-Person Workshop!

Description+Details: Join me in this afternoon of intentional self-nourishment.  Come to move slowly and cool down the body as much as your mind.  Open to what your heart has been wanting to share with you, and support what you may be needing.  Gentle somatic and yogic based movement for all people and levels of practitioners […]

HOW can I practice self-compassion?

We started with what mindfulness and self-compassion are, then explored what it is not and what blocks us from acting in self-compassionate ways. We then re-Mmebered our Innate Goodness.  So, HOW do we do this?  How do we act self-compassionately towards ourselves? How do you offer yourself this self-compassion?  Here is a curated list of […]

Summer Social (media) Sabbatical

This is the first year I am creating this container and I intend to make it a yearly sabbatical each August.  It is for those who wish to separate from social media for a month in order to create more space for themself.  For those who wish to nurture connections to nature as well as […]

Re-membering Who We Are

When starting each gathering in my “Mindfulness as a Path to Self-Compassion” course, I did something VERY different.  I centered us with a piece of music I curated to go along with the theme of the day.   As we come to our third week in the course, and as this Self-Compassion series comes to its […]

Misconceptions and Blocks around Self-Compassion

You Belong

Within this blog, I will write about: -Why do we resist offering ourselves compassion? -5 misconceptions of self-compassion. -Why we get stuck and why we can stay stuck (not offering self-compassion). – Pain versus suffering. -A new equation for pain and suffering. -The distinction of what pain and suffering are. -(Throughout the blog) Some ways for […]

What is Self-Compassion anyway?

Hello Dear One, I hope you are well.  What do you need right now?  What one small thing can you do right now to ease any pain?  Maybe a breath, a head circle, a sigh, a moment to lay on the floor, or just a moment to close your eyes away from this screen (then […]

What is Mindfulness Anyway?

What is mindfulness?  I’ve been thinking about this a lot, wink wink. That’s probably not even a mindfulness joke, but I thought the winks would help! 😉   Mindfulness can help bring about playfulness and light heartedness for sure 🙂 So we aren’t always taking things, or ourselves, with a rigidity that ends up holding […]

Mindfulness as a path to Self-Compassion

When: Saturdays, June 8-29, 2024 from2:00-3:30pm EDT.  Where: Online through Zoom *You will receive the link once registered  Fees: Donation is optional. Recommended donation: $5 per class or $15 for the entire series.  PROGRAM DESCRIPTION  In this introduction to mindfulness as a path to self-compassion four week series, we will learn and experience what mindfulness […]

A phrase I used to hate (but now embrace)

“God willing.” Long ago, a client of mine used that phrase whenever I was leaving her home after a private yoga session.  It would always make me upset; of course God is willing to have us spend this quality time together in the practice!  I never asked, but I didn’t really understand what she meant. […]