What is Mindfulness Anyway?


What is mindfulness?  I’ve been thinking about this a lot, wink wink. That’s probably not even a mindfulness joke, but I thought the winks would help! 😉   Mindfulness can help bring about playfulness and light heartedness for sure 🙂 So we aren’t always taking things, or ourselves, with a rigidity that ends up holding […]

Mindfulness as a path to Self-Compassion

When: Saturdays, June 8-29, 2024 from2:00-3:30pm EDT.  Where: Online through Zoom *You will receive the link once registered  Fees: Donation is optional. Recommended donation: $5 per class or $15 for the entire series.  PROGRAM DESCRIPTION  In this introduction to mindfulness as a path to self-compassion four week series, we will learn and experience what mindfulness […]

A phrase I used to hate (but now embrace)

“God willing.” Long ago, a client of mine used that phrase whenever I was leaving her home after a private yoga session.  It would always make me upset; of course God is willing to have us spend this quality time together in the practice!  I never asked, but I didn’t really understand what she meant. […]

Down, down into the Lava – where fear had no place

Into her Womb

Down, down, down we traversed.  Down into her womb. Into the womb of Mother Earth. Down, down, down we cautiously, quietly walked.  Aware and careful, in reverence we walked down, down, down. The live volcano, ‘Mama Etna’, is powerful.  She is not a mountain, as our guide Allison Scola told us, but a living, breathing […]

Turn on your favorite music and just dance!

Moving for Movement’s Sake  Have you ever attempted to release your thoughts and just move your body for movement’s sake? There is a way in which free movement can lead us to a flow state where our thoughts are very few. And there are ways in which we can use repetitive movements that are familiar […]

Restoring our original movement

“Trauma is restricted movement.”-Thomas Hübl It’s no wonder we use phrases like: -I feel stuck -I am so overwhelmed I don’t know which way to go -I feel blocked -I am frozen and feel like I can’t move forward in life  Almost every time that I ask one of my “A.L.I.G.N.” clients to make a […]

A powerful mudra to realize your dreams this year

For the first week of the new year, I actually happened to draw the card of the apana mudra from my mudra deck. A powerful mudra to use when realizing your dreams.  What do you want to experience in this new year?  How do you want to feel in 2024?! Apana is the downward moving […]

Embodied gratitude – Is it possible to feel gratitude?

How can I feel gratitude? What would it be like to be in embodied gratitude?* These are beautiful questions that I was inspired to contemplate. What follows is what flowed through me when I paused to wonder… *Note: The questions came from an incredible ‘Sunday Morning Special’ dharma discussion around gratitude. If you want to […]

I’m grateful for my anger and here’s why

Have you ever been “red in the face” or “blinded by anger”?   I have. I’ve been so angry that the only thing I knew to do at that moment was to literally walk away from the person I was wanting to yell at. And I can tell you, it was a smart thing to do […]

404 Integrative Wellness Day

[c “I have had to learn to invite my broken heart to dine with me at the table. It is meaningless to run now. My broken heart is not a judgment or a crime. It is a detailed record of how I have tried to meet the violence of the world with as much openness […]