Taking Solace in the Waves
What effects are you wanting to create in the “shape” of your world and that of others, just like the waves shape the shore? Email me and let me know. A para-sailor glides over the cliffs as waves meet Moss Beach. Moss Beach, California. I’m just going to dive right in, pun intended. 😉 […]
We Can Get Back into the Light
We Can Get Back to the Light… “The human soul is to God is as the flower to the Sun; It opens at its approach, and shuts when it withdraws.”- Benjamin Whichcote “God, like the sun, emanates on all: on the hill exposed in the open, on the plant growing in the window, Even […]
Muladhara in a New Light
We have kicked off my annual Journey thru the Chakras in my weekly classes! This is always such a great opportunity for witnessing One’s Self, and checking in on what might be needed now for best healing practices. I cannot believe that it was March 3rd, 2020, just over a year ago, that I had […]
Wild Abandon + Aparigraha
Last week in the topic around compassion, I was struck by these words out of Jack Kornfield’s book, “The Wise Heart’”: “The courageous heart is the one that is unafraid to open to life without armoring. As the poet Rilke reminds us, “Ultimately it is on our vulnerability that we depend”.” After having collected so […]
I love this simple picture of Max and Quinn. He is holding her hand to both guide her and protect her from running into the street. It was a reminder for compassionate acts of kindness and consideration that we can offer ourselves and each other. As we continue on the journey of the essence of […]
This week in my classes, after a hiatus in the month of March to be with goddesses during women’s history month, we are back inside the larger overarching intention of aspects needed when in the journey of life. In the past, we’ve been through consideration of beginnings/starting a new, mastery versus success, surrender, and balance. […]
Lakshmi: Beauty and Abundance
Where do you see beauty around you right now? How do you remind yourself to see the beauty in all things? Take a moment to reflect. Now, I invite you to name at least one area of your life in which you are abundant. Are you abundant with the amount of shoes you have? Are […]
This past week, in the New York City part of the globe, was the spring equinox on March 20th. This is the festival of Ostara, the beginning of longer daylight time and the awakening of the earth with blossoms! This is why we evoked the Kali essence within ourselves. Kali, pictured above, is known as […]
Make a peace sign in your hands! Now, place your index and middle fingers down over your thumb, and lift your ring and pinky fingers up; bring these two hands to meet and you now have Shakti mudra! Shakti Mudra. This was our “Mudra Dance” that opened most of our practices this past week. Breathe in […]
Discernment / Saraswati
March is women’s history month. In the first week of March, I wanted to highlight a Goddess. As I was still feeling the deep underlying threads of the past couple of weeks around this idea of “what are different aspects to keep in mind when you’re on a journey”, I knew I needed to take […]